Outshine Counselling Services
Offering much more than guidance​
"I specialise in offering counselling and psychotherapy for people experiencing anxiety and stress, and for people with low self esteem issues. I also work with depression and grief.
The wonderful modalities I use in counselling and particularly in psychotherapy, work deeply. These modalities offer healing and long-term change, and are life-changing."

If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, depression, or grief, and have not found therapy that really works for you, it's time to seek help from a professional who can help you to genuinely change.
How does outshine counselling work?
My counselling sessions support individuals to change their core emotional experience of life, releasing the patterns learned early in life and becoming free to create new patterns that I help you to design for yourself.
For example, freeing patterns of feeling anxious, worrying, stressing, overthinking or panicking. Or feeling not good enough, not smart enough, not loveable or likeable. Or not loving or liking yourself. The way that I work also supports people to let go of patterns of deep sorrow, loss of joy, loss of humour, feeling flat all the time, or feeling like giving up on life.
My work also supports people to create new patterns for themselves - paths of happiness, calm, deep inner connection and contentment, inspiration and motivation.
This form of psychotherapy is gentle, yet it literally offers a way to take control of your feelings and responses to life, relationships and self.
The modalities I work with...

Internal Family System

Narrative Therapy
This is the primary modality I work with. I have been using a form of archetype work, similar to IFS, in my counselling over the last 15years. Last year I personally experienced IFS and found it to be the most effective modality of psychotherapy that I have ever encountered. I trained in it this year, and it has taken my work as a psychotherapist to another level. IFS transforms.
Narrative therapy is a counselling modality that creates change in lives via a number of beautiful tools and methods. This modality can be used in walk & talk sessions as well as in-office or online counselling.
I've been using Narrative therapy in my counselling for 8 years now, and find it to be really effective with all issues. Again, it is gentle and powerful.

Person Centred Counselling
The person centred approach sees each individual attending counselling as unique - with a unique personality and needs. The counsellor tailors the counselling process by following the client's lead. The counsellor aims to be empathic in their understanding of the client, to genuinely be themselves (not wearing an 'expert' role) while counselling, and to offer kindness, or unconditional positive regard towards the client.

Breath Therapy
The beautiful breathing techniques that I teach were developed by the HeartMath Institute, and are designed to harmonise (or bring to coherence) all of the body's systems - activating the vegus nerve and parasympathetic nervous system as well as the heart's intelligence and the heart-brain connection. With practice this method teaches us how to regulate our own emotions, and energetically share our emotional calm with those around us.

Somatic Psychotherapy
I use somatic psychotherapy, as taught by Bessel Van Der Kolk and the HeartMath Institute, in many sessions I offer, as a way of grounding the benefits of the session into the body. Somatic work unblocks the patterns of stress and trauma from our bodies, freeing the parasympathetic nervous system to do it's work of supporting us to relax and recuperate. Without this, we are generally stressed.

Meditation Therapy
Based in my own practice of meditation as well as my Cert. Meditation Therapy training in 2004, the meditations that I offer in session, are guided journeys into the new outcomes that you are intending to create for yourself in session. They are deeply calming, and are effective at creating new neural pathways which support your embrace of the changes you're creating in therapy. Sessions are recorded for your ongoing use.